Thursday, July 10, 2008

Buying or gambling?

"Remember that stocks are never too high for you to begin buying or too low to begin selling. But after the initial transaction, don't make a second unless the first shows you a profit. Wait and watch.
I don't mean to be understood as advising persistent pyramiding. A man can pyramid and make big money that he couldn't make if he didn't pyramid; of course. But what I meant to say was this: Suppose a man's line is five hundred shares of stock. I say that he ought not to buy it all at once; not if he is speculating. If he is merely gambling the only advice I have to give him is, don't!
Suppose he buys his first hundred, and that promptly shows him a loss. Why should he go to work and get more stock? He ought to see at once that he is in wrong; at least temporarily."

(Edwin Lefevre - "Reminescences of a Stock Operator")


Anonymous said...

Salutare Dane
Vreau doar sa-ti spun ca faci un lucru extraordinar cu blogul asta.
Tine-o tot asa.
Sint citeva alte site-uri si bloguri care mie mi se par interesante si care, desi comenteaza din perspectiva britanica, cred eu ca sint interesante de citit:

Dan Tincu said...

Multumesc pentru aprecieri. O sa incerc sa scriu cat mai mult in urmatoarea perioada, sper sa imi permita si timpul.
Probabil o sa fie mai mult citate si comentarii din / despre cartile pe care le citesc, vreau sa recuperez pentru perioada in care ba am fost prins la birou, ba am citit pentru CFA ...

Anonymous said...

Mai sus sint 2 articole interesante despre cind si la ce indicatori sa te uiti cind vrei sa cumperi actiuni, mai ales in conditiile actuale.

Revenind la lucruri mai lumesti, cred ca ar fi interesant pe blog sa ne spui care e calea de urmat daca vrei sa investesti in actiuni la Bursa din Bucuresti ( ... stiu ..... e discutabil daca acum e un moment bun sau nu, dar asta e alta poveste) citeva zeci de mii de RONi (e doar un exemplu) pe termen lung. Aici ma gindesc la explicarea mecanicii tranzactionarii dar si a pastrarii actiunilor.